Do not drag on, a lot of really how to re-awaken the spirit. One of them with food. It's certainly a nice solution, but not just any food.
In daily life through a variety of routines, surely there will be times we feel less energetic or lethargic due to various factors, such as congestion or hit by superiors reprimanded.
A bad mood will certainly also affect our performance.
When we are in bad mood, we tend to want foods that are rich in carbohydrates and sugar, but it's not a good solution.
Because we will be increasingly felt weak and definitely fatter. For the following six foods that you should feel less enthusiastic gusto as:
1. spinach
Spinach is rich in iron so it will give us the energy to overcome fatigue and improve concentration. Spinach is also a source of vitamin B6 and folate, which is essential to support the brain's ability to produce neurotransmitters that improve mood.
2. sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a healthy snack alternative as rich in folate that stabilizes blood sugar.
3. bean
This snack is one of the best sources of selenium minerals that will improve mood and relieve anxiety.
4. fish
Fish such as sardines and mackerel are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that help the brain to lift mood and concentration level.
5. eggs
Eggs are a source of zinc which helps you to feel more awake and energetic by regulating metabolism and blood sugar.
6. yogurt
Yogurt is rich in calcium and protein, so nice to reduce mood swings, depression, and anxiety.