The shadows of pain during labor will often haunt the women who give birth. Labor pain is felt because of uterine contractions caused by dilation of the cervix and lower uterine segment.
Reducing Labor Pain for pregnant women can be done by Acupuncture
With medical progress, found a variety of methods of pain control, both pharmacological (with drugs) and Nonpharmacologic.
Nonpharmacologic methods can be done through psychological approaches, such as hypnotherapy and sensory approaches, such as acupuncture, and not a manual intervention, such as hydrotherapy.
Excess Nonpharmacologic methods, patients do not need to use drugs. As for the pharmacological treat pain using a medication can cause side effects such as long-term impact on the infant, maternal bladder inflammation, and during labor and delivery phases of the first stage (from the pain until the full opening) which is longer.Acupuncture (treatment by needling) can be used to reduce pain during labor and shorten the duration of labor.Block the pain acupuncture stimulates the release of chemical substances, such as endorphins, enkefalin, dinorfin, serotonin, and noradrenaline, which inhibit pain and give a sense of calm.
Acupuncture gives effect to the point that the needle punctured a blood vessel dilation that can absorb chemical substances cause pain.
Acupuncture started when the mother entered the phase first stage of labor, ie, when the cervix opens 4 centimeters long. It was performed acupuncture on her back. Needling was conducted at admission stage II (from full opening to the fetus) are characterized by the existence of power to his (contraction) and straining to push the fetus is born. Acupuncture performed on the sacrum bone (the bottom of the spine).
Acupuncture can inhibit pain arising in the structure of the body by sending the sensor to a specific section in the spinal cord. Insertion of needles at or near the structure that the pain will give effect to block the pain.
Acupuncture does not eliminate the required contractions during labor. Acupuncture reduces pain to a tolerable limit maternal. Labor pain which is a natural pain is still needed as a sign of labor.
methods of acupuncture to reduce pain need to work closely with obstetricians. In Europe, these methods are commonly used. The method of acupuncture to reduce labor pain, require a successful team, the husband, family, midwives, acupuncturists, and obstetricians in accordance with their respective roles. Action of acupuncture is applied with an estimated delivery terms normal, normal maternal blood pressure, and the position of the baby's head first in the birth canal.
Reduced pain will remove psychological barriers to maternal maternity maternity suit so that the ideal phase.