Friday, January 6, 2012

How to apply DASH Diet well?

Although the DASH diet has no side effects, but its implementation still needs to be considered and consulted with a doctor, especially for patients with chronic renal failure. Foods that are recommended in the DASH diet is high in potassium, whereas renal failure patients are advised to reduce consumption of foods high in potassium. Kidney damage would lead to hyperkalemia (excess potassium in the blood) that can cause problems such as heart rhythm disturbances that can be fatal.

How to apply DASH Diet well?

The DASH diet is recommended to consume lots of milk and other dairy products. Therefore, people with lactose intolerance are not able to digest lactose in milk is likely to be difficult to follow this diet. Consumption of milk will cause stomach cramps, bloating, nausea, and diarrhea in people with lactose intolerance. But do not worry, you can still DASH diet by replacing milk with yogurt because the lactose in yogurt is broken down by lactic acid bacteria so that a low lactose content.

If you are prescribed medication for hypertension control doctor's instructions, you do not need to stop taking it as long as you live your DASH diet. Especially for people with hypertension with systolic blood pressure over 160 mmHg, the DASH diet should be combined with medical therapy or medication. Consult with your doctor before and during the performance of the DASH diet.

For those of you who are not accustomed to eating vegetables, fruits, and cereals in large quantities, at the beginning of the DASH diet complaints will arise in the form of bloating, frequent passing of wind, and diarrhea. This is because not used to eating fruit, vegetables, and foods high in fiber are difficult to digest. To prevent this, increase consumption of fruits and vegetables gradually.

Well, it's not hard to follow the DASH diet? Implement the DASH diet is not difficult because there are no special foods to be consumed, all the suggested foods you can find by mullahs in markets and supermarkets. But remember, the benefits of the DASH diet for hypertension would be best if combined with Gays live a healthy life.

Hypertension is often called the silent killer because it usually has no symptoms, and only realized when the condition was already severe. Actually there are many ways to treat hypertension. One of them by implementing the DASH diet.

Hypertension is not a new disease. Based on data SKIRT (Household Health Survey) in 2001, the prevalence of hypertension reaches 17-21 percent of the population in Indonesia. And every year, the number of sufferers is increasing.

High blood pressure or hypertension occurs when blood pressure rose continuously throughout the day. This is very dangerous because it makes the heart work too hard and the encouragement of high-pressure blood flow over time will damage the blood vessels. The blood vessels will become thick, stiff, and easily narrowed, even clogged. Hypertension that occurred over the years will lead to complications in the form of heart disease, kidney failure, and stroke.

So far, the researchers applied the strategy of the Big Four for hypertension, by reducing salt intake, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, and stay away from liquor. Now the strategy is incremented by one, ie with the DASH diet on a regular basis.

What is DASH?

Changes in diet are very important to control hypertension. DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet control of hypertension is recommended by the American Heart Association based on the results of scientific research managed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the United States.

The main principle of the DASH diet is presenting a balanced diet with nutrient-rich food source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber from vegetables, fruits, and milk, and limiting saturated fat, cholesterol, salt, sugar, coffee, and liquor.

In the DASH diet studies that included 459 adults with systolic blood pressure = <160 mmHg and diastolic 80-95 mmHg, it is evident that the DASH diet can lower systolic blood pressure by 6 mmHg and diastolic pressure by 3 mmHg within 2 weeks since starting the diet DASH. Better results seen in patients with hypertension (as much as 27 percent of total study participants) because it can reduce systolic blood pressure to 11 mmHg and diastolic pressure up to 6 mmHg.

Prompts DASH Diet (2000 calories / day)
Material Portion size of food portions a day
3-5 small plates of food carbohydrates
Cut 1-2 side dish animal was
Cut 2-3 vegetable side dishes are being
4-5 Vegetable Bowl
Fruit 4-5 Fruit / PTG is
Milk / yogurt 2-3 Glasses

In the daily diet recommended in the DASH diet contains 2000 calories, divided into three meals (breakfast, slang, and night). But the amount of energy is not 'fixed price' because it can be adapted to the conditions of each person on a diet. Therefore, before undergoing the DASH diet, required consultation with a doctor or nutritionist to determine individual nutritional needs.

Reduce consumption of salt (sodium) is the most important for lowering blood pressure. Based on the amount of salt consumed daily, the DASH diet can be divided into two, namely a maximum of 2400 mg of sodium consumption is equivalent to 6 g (1 teaspoon) of table salt (a maximum salt intake limitation recommendation by WHO and the Federal Government National High Blood Pressure Education Program) and 1500 mg sodium consumption is equivalent to 4 g (2 / 3 teaspoon) of table salt. This amount includes the amount of salt naturally present in foodstuffs as well as the amount of salt added during cooking.

1500 mg sodium DASH diet gives better results by lowering blood pressure greater than 2400 mg sodium DASH diet. But to help you adapt to the low-salt diet, the DASH diet should do 2400 mg sodium / day on your initial DASH diet, if you are already getting used to the DASH diet can proceed with 1500 g of sodium / day.

It's not only for hypertension

Implementation of the DASH diet not only recommended for patients with hypertension (blood pressure> 140/90 mmHg) and prehypertension (blood pressure 120-139/80-89 mmHg), but also useful to prevent various diseases. Recent research in April 2008, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, again proving that the DASH diet can reduce the risk of heart disease by 24 percent and stroke risk by 18 percent in women.

According to Teresa T. Fung, chief researcher from Simmons College, Boston, is due to the DASH diet based on vegetables, fruits, vegetable protein are high in fiber and minerals that can lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol causes cardiovascular disease up to 7 percent.

Foods that are recommended
Nutrients Food Ingredients
Potassium Potatoes, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, bananas, oranges, grapes, mangoes, melons, strawberries, watermelon, pineapple, milk and yogurt
Calcium Tempe, tofu, sardines, milkfish presto, fish, nuts, milk, yogurt and low fat cheese
Magnesium rice (especially brown rice), potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, dark green vegetables, oranges, lemons, fish, seafood, and chicken without skin
Fiber Brown rice, bread, whole wheat, oats, nuts, vegetables, leaves, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, oranges and starfruit
Protein Tempe, tofu, nuts, fish, skinless chicken meat, milk, yogurt, and low-fat cheese
Other garlic, celery, green vegetables

Foods that are shunned
Nutrients Food Ingredients
Sodium table salt, salted fish, salted egg, soy sauce, shrimp paste, paste, tauco, MSG, baking soda / baking powder, foods that contain benzoate preservatives, and artificial sweeteners containing sodium cyclamate
Sugar syrup, cakes, soft drinks, and candy
Saturated fat lard, fatty meats, butter, margarine, coconut milk, curry, fried from used oil, fried foods repeatedly, and fried foods with a high temperature (trans fat)
Brain cholesterol, egg yolks, organ meats, lard, and fatty meats
Other Coffee, soda, alcoholic beverages

Vegetables and fruits can control blood sugar and act as antioxidants to prevent cell damage from free radicals because it is implementing the DASH diet is also beneficial to reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer. DASH diet is also beneficial for weight loss because daily caloric intake in the diet is smaller than a normal diet. Moreover, because the diet is high in calcium from milk and other sources, if undertaken on a regular basis would be beneficial to prevent osteoporosis.

How to reduce Salt Consumption well

• Drink plenty of water, so that excess sodium can be removed by the body.

• Reduce consumption of ready meals, canned food (sardines, corned beef), frozen food (sausages, nuggets, fried chicken), vegetables are preserved (salted mustard, pickles, pickles), and snacks (salty snack variety) which contain lots of salt, MSG, instant seasonings, and preservatives.

• Make it a habit to read labels of packaged food before buying, consider whether these foods contain high amounts of salt.

• Limit use of salt-containing seasonings like soy sauce, shrimp paste, block instant broth, tomato sauce, chili sauce, paste, and tauco.

• Use fresh herbs instead of salt to taste. Various spices such as basil, celery, garlic, oregano, paterseli, pepper and nutmeg, is sufficient to provide a natural fragrance in cooking.