Is there any relationship between unemployed individu and anging process? probably the below explaination can give you more complete and comprehensive about it.
If you feel the work is too tiring , then you should be grateful to still have a job . A recent study revealed that men who do not have jobs alias unemployment risk of premature aging more quickly .
The study also estimated that the financial and emotional stress when unemployed make their mark on the person's DNA .
In this study , the scientists examined blood samples and record the work of more than 5,500 men and women aged 31 years . Blood is used for one of the small structures observed in it , which is called the telomere . Telomeres are the very ends of linear DNA and serve to protect DNA from damage .
As we get older , everyone will telomeres get shorter . This will cause the shortening of telomere DNA becomes damaged and increases the risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's , diabetes and heart disease . Shorter telomeres than the average also considered a sign of poor health and premature death triggers .
The results showed an association between long-term unemployment rate and telomere length . Men who mengaggur for 2-3 years while blood samples were taken two times more likely to have telomeres , compared with men who have jobs . These results remained the same even when other factors associated with aging , including disease , smoking , drinking alcohol and lack of exercise were taken into account .
One of the researchers from Imperial College London , Dr Jessica Buxton , said that shorter telomeres are associated with a higher risk of many age-related diseases and premature death . Stressful life experiences in childhood and adulthood previously also associated with rapid telomere shortening .
" Now we have proven that long-term unemployment can also lead to premature aging , " said Dr. Jessica , as reported by the Daily Mail , Thursday ( 21/11/2013 ) .
One of the other researchers , Dr. Leena Ala - Mursula , from the University of Oulu , Finland , confirms the results of this study that still has a job can be one important part of maintaining health .