Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Relationship between unemployed individu and anging process

Is there any relationship between unemployed individu and anging process? probably the below explaination can give you more complete and comprehensive about it.

If you feel the work is too tiring , then you should be grateful to still have a job . A recent study revealed that men who do not have jobs alias unemployment risk of premature aging more quickly .

The study also estimated that the financial and emotional stress when unemployed make their mark on the person's DNA .

In this study , the scientists examined blood samples and record the work of more than 5,500 men and women aged 31 years . Blood is used for one of the small structures observed in it , which is called the telomere . Telomeres are the very ends of linear DNA and serve to protect DNA from damage .

As we get older , everyone will telomeres get shorter . This will cause the shortening of telomere DNA becomes damaged and increases the risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's , diabetes and heart disease . Shorter telomeres than the average also considered a sign of poor health and premature death triggers .

The results showed an association between long-term unemployment rate and telomere length . Men who mengaggur for 2-3 years while blood samples were taken two times more likely to have telomeres , compared with men who have jobs . These results remained the same even when other factors associated with aging , including disease , smoking , drinking alcohol and lack of exercise were taken into account .

One of the researchers from Imperial College London , Dr Jessica Buxton , said that shorter telomeres are associated with a higher risk of many age-related diseases and premature death . Stressful life experiences in childhood and adulthood previously also associated with rapid telomere shortening .

" Now we have proven that long-term unemployment can also lead to premature aging , " said Dr. Jessica , as reported by the Daily Mail , Thursday ( 21/11/2013 ) .

One of the other researchers , Dr. Leena Ala - Mursula , from the University of Oulu , Finland , confirms the results of this study that still has a job can be one important part of maintaining health .