Friday, July 26, 2013

info on diabetes concerning to nerve disorders

This is about info on diabetes concerning to nerve disorders

Talk about info on diabetes, People with diabetes have a risk of neuropathy or nerve disorders, two to three times higher than without diabetes.

Not only that about this info on diabetes, neuropathies are also at risk for having hypertension, vascular disease such as heart disease, cancer and consuming alcohol and smoking.

"Frequent exposure to chemicals, consumption of drugs cause neuropathy and vitamin deficiency can also trigger neurotrophic," .

So what symptoms or signs of this neurological disorder? "Patients experiencing anesthesia, tingling, burning pain in the toes, palms, legs, hands, arms and fingers. Patients also experience vision problems," .

Not only that, patients experience gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and difficult bowel movements, loss of bladder control, erection dysfunction (impotence), dizziness or fainting due to drop in blood pressure, especially when standing up.