This happens to women and it need to solve soon concerning to menstrual disorders for irregular periods
A 25-year-old woman asked the rubric consulting physician about her menstrual disorders. SHe complained about the length of her menstrual cycle sometimes.
Last month the questioner about menstrual disorders having periods at the beginning of the month. After 10 days later, patches of brown, for 3 days but then bleeding again. Around the 24th of brown spots out again. The intensity of the menstrual blood would come out more, after she feels tired.
What is actually happening? the doctor explains, in a woman's menstrual disorders such as current productive age is a common thing.
But if there are more than three cycles (at least 3 months), then it should be advisable to consult a doctor in order to clear the cause.
The doctor confirmed that activity, stress, weight loss and diet can affect the metabolism of hormones in the body that can ultimately affect the menstrual cycle.
But there are also abnormalities in the genital organs that can cause a woman to experience menstrual disorders such as ovarian cysts and uterine tumors (myoma uteri). For that check to a qualified doctor.