The Variety of Benefits of Vitamin K for women health
One's needs for vitamin K are diverse, according to the standard RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance), vitamin C a person needs depends on his weight. For adults, it takes at least 1 microgram per day per kg of body weight.
So what can be a source of vitamin K? peep what kind quoted from
1. Types of foods that contain probiotic bacteria healthy, active, for example yoghurt.
2. Types of green vegetables which have abundant leaves, like spinach, kale, katuk, as well as asparagus and cabbage can be an option.
3. Various types of munuman healthy, such as cow's milk, soy milk, and green tea.
WHEN hurt, what makes the blood stop slowly? Vitamin K! Imagine if the body lacks vitamin K, to be sure the consistency of blood flow in the body will be disturbed and when the condition of a lot of blood coming out, the body will be difficult to freeze.