Friday, January 27, 2012

appropriate portion of butter consumption for women's health

Quoted from, Prof. Peter Elwood an expert in fat metabolism that many varieties of butter are packed with unhealthy substances and other hazardous chemicals, such as unsaturated fat content are synthesized that increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

appropriate portion of butter consumption for women's health

It does not need to make you stop to eat butter. By intelligently choosing a healthy butter like what the composition is contained in it and limit the amount of consumption wisely, you and your family will still be able to reap the benefits.

Butter is still often become friends daily menu, from breakfast until dinner time arrived. Start menu until bread is rich foods and spices. Butter is one type of high-energy foods, from 100 grams contained as many as 700 calories. There was also an abundance of vitamin A is necessary for the function of cardivascular.

To build strong bones, butter can also be an option as vitamin D. Ingredients such as vitamin E and selenium are also important for the nervous and immune systems.
But did you know that behind it tastes delicious, it was not all that butter contains healthy?