Sunday, March 16, 2014

The benefit of water infused by various combined fruits

Have you ever thought about The benefit of water infused by various combined fruits to make your health better and optimum?

consuming water with a piece of fruit , actually good for those who do not like to drink water .

" In this water infused , after the fruit is inserted , there is the scent of water , so that they can consume more water , " .

In terms of nutritional content , nor was there a difference like eating fruit and drinking water as usual . Condition, not given another mix soluble in water such as sugar or syrup . one of the nutritionists also do not agree with the reasons when mixed with water absorption higher juice . According to him , the most perfect fruit absorption would occur in the body .

Here are the benefits of water infused by a combination of various fruits are used :

1 . Strawberries and kiwi
Beneficial for cardiovascular health , strengthen the immune system , lowers blood sugar , and facilitate digestion .

2 . Green tea + mint + lime
Beneficial for fat burning , digestion , relieve headaches , constipation overcome , and maintain respiratory health .

3 . Cucumber + lemon + lemon
Helpful for overcoming bloating , control appetite , treat dehydration , and maintain digestive health .

4 . Lemon , lime
Benefits as a source of vitamin C and enhance the body's defense system .