Vitamin D can do anything, even for cancer problems
FROM terms of health, vitamins effective in preventing and treating bone diseases like osteoporosis. According to the Mayo Clinic, enough vitamin D can prevent high blood pressure and protect against certain types of cancer. This vitamin can also help weight loss for women.Recently, a large-scale study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that increasing the intake of vitamin D in heart patients can reduce the risk of death by 60 percent.
Actual human body naturally produces vitamin D hormone when exposed to sunlight. However, during the winter, it is impossible to get enough sunlight exposure. Not only that, the same goes for people who live at home due to illness or whose jobs make them have to be indoors all day. Who are actually need vitamin D?
a. Exclusively breast-fed babies
Milk may not provide sufficient vitamin D levels. Thus, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends vitamin D supplements of 400 IU per day.
b. elderly
The elderly do not synthesize vitamin D effectively than their younger counterparts. Especially those who tend to spend more time indoors.
c. Dark-skinned people
In those dark, the pigment melanin can reduce the body's ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight.
d. obesity
Fat in the body to change the way vitamin D is released into the system.
Vitamin D Prevent Cancer
Besides being able to improve your bone health, vitamin D with calcium can benefit your health. The advantage of that you can take this vitamin when is avoiding you from cancer. Not just one type of cancer, but the 5 types of cancer as well. It is quoted
For women who take vitamin D with calcium every day when menopause for 4 years, will avoid the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, leukemia and cancer of the uterus. In contrast to women
that only consume calcium alone.
As a complementary supplement, you should add to your diet by eating salmon and other fatty fish, fortified cereals and products containing milk.
Lack of Vitamin D causes the DepressionAre you often depressed? Perhaps this is because you are deficient in vitamin D.
A study published in Archives of General Psychiatry (5 / 5) mentions the lack of vitamin D can lead to depression and other psychiatric problems.
The team from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, examined 1282 people aged 65 years to 95 years. Of these, 26 people suffered severe depression, while 169 suffered from mild depression. They found levels of vitamin D in people with depression was 14% lower than those without depression.
Vitamin D deficiency also led to increased production of hormones produced by glands paratyroid. An overactive parathyroid gland is often associated with the occurrence of depression.
Rich in calcium supplementation and increased exposure to sunlight can be a solution.
Lack of Vitamin D Trigger Heart Disease
Vitamin D deficiency may cause increased risk of heart disease is easily repaired.
The researchers said the growth of the body suggests that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of heart disease and other diseases closely associated with heart disease such as high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.
Several studies have shown that people with low vitamin D levels had a 2 times greater risk of heart attack, stroke, and diseases associated with other heart disease compared with people who have vitamin D levels are higher.
"Vitamin D deficiency is not visible, but the risk of cardiovascular disease to worry about," says researcher James H. O'Keefe, MD, director of preventive cardiology at the Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City. "Vitamin D is easily obtained, supplementation is simple, safe and inexpensive."
Most of the body's vitamin D requirements are met through the skin response to sun exposure. Another source of vitamin D are salmon, sardines, cod liver oil, milk, and cereals. Vitamin D can also be consumed in supplement form.
Vitamin D deficiency is increasing
Vitamin D deficiency is usually associated with weak bones and muscles, but in recent years a number of studies show that low levels of vitamin D can cause high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and chronic inflammation of blood vessels. In addition, can also alter levels of hormones that increase insulin resistance, which increases the risk of diabetes.
In a review article published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, the researchers present the latest data linking vitamin D deficiency with heart disease and advice on screening and treatment.
The researchers said vitamin D deficiency has to do with habits of life of people who spend more time indoors and try to minimize exposure to sunlight with the use sunscreen.Sunscreen by blocking the sun protection factor of almost 99% of vitamin D so it can not penetrate the skin .
"We rarely outside the room, and older people and people who are overweight are less effective response to sunlight," said O'Keefe. "A little sunlight is good for health, but use sunscreen to protect skin from cancer are also important when You are outdoors more than 15-30 minutes of exposure to sunlight. "
"Returning to normal levels of vitamin D is important for maintaining bone health and muscle, as well as improving cardiovascular health," said O'Keefe.