Friday, February 7, 2014

How to maximize the benefit of Garlic for your health

It's very important for us to know How to maximize the benefit of Garlic for your health, especially for our heart.

Home cooking does require a lot of various herbs, one of which is garlic . In order to maximize the results of your cooking and body both benefit from food , consider the following explanation !
Garlic is efficacious in lowering blood pressure in the body and preventing clotting of blood pressure . Because the content of the garlic enzyme alinase indeed proved to be very good for blood circulation in order to prevent a heart attack .

To obtain the properties of garlic as a whole , before being used as herbs , roasted garlic first three minutes . This will " lock " the usefulness and reduce the bad smell in garlic .
This suggestion comes from researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National University of Cuyo in Argentina . When baked for more than three minutes , to prevent freezing virgin contribution reduced by 80 percent . If left longer roasting would eliminate the benefits of it.
Keep in mind , for not roasting garlic in the microwave , this way will damage the structure of the enzyme alinase .