Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Recommended menu for babies who dislike vegetables

This is one of Recommended menus for babies or kids who dislike vegetables and it can make them healthier.

Breast milk is a balanced diet infants until the age of 6 months , the so-called exclusive breastfeeding . After 6 months of age should be given complementary foods ( solids ) in stages according to age .

Start with a complete nutrient feeding consisting of :

1 . Carbohydrates , namely rice , potatoes , havermouth , bread , pasta , etc. , as a source of energy .

2 . Source of protein , ie meat , fish , eggs , chicken , liver , etc. as well as vegetable proteins such as tofu , tempeh , and beans , to physical growth and brain .

3 . Sources regulators , namely vegetables and fruits . Vegetables should be introduced as a baby , because when the baby has a very strong memory to recall . However , the lack of coaching after that age , making children forget .

Once children get into the actual family meals , vegetables provision should be maintained although not in the form of rice mixtures team . Children need to implement a balanced nutritional diet , including the type of vegetables , in addition to rice , side dishes , and fruit , as well as given varied or diverse.

In addition as a complement to meet the balanced nutrition , vegetables are a source of vitamins and minerals to supplement their nutritional needs . Vegetables contain a variety of antioxidants to fight free radicals as a cause of disease .

Choose green leafy vegetables , red , orange like carrots , tomatoes , yellow squash , and others . Do not miss also serves the same fruit , containing vitamin C and antioxidants .

If children already do not like or refusing to eat vegetables , is still not too late to do something about . So , should continue to work and wait . The trick , make mixed vegetable dishes with protein sources such as meat , shrimp , chicken , and others .

For example :
- Put vegetables into foods such as meatballs liked children . Combine spinach or other vegetables are mashed with bacon made ​​meatballs .
- Soups cream mixed with vegetables in a blender .
- Vegetables can also get into the fruit juice .
- Vegetable put into making cakes like cake , mud cakes , layer cakes , and others .

Parents whose children are hard to eat vegetables , do not despair quickly . Parents should set an example and keep following the instructions of healthy eating .

CARROT SOUP CREAM For 2 servings ( 1 serving = 214 calories ) Ingredients :
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 tbsp flour
- 200 ml broth
- 100 ml of milk
- 50 grams of boiled chicken meat sliced ​​small
- 50 g of corn on the cob , dipipil
- 50 ounces small diced carrots , blanching
- 50 gr peas
- A bit of nutmeg powder
- A little salt
- A bit of pepper powder
- 1 tbsp chopped celery
- 10 gr grated cheese

How to make :
1 . melt butter , put the flour, stirring until blended . Pour broth little by little , stirring constantly until blended .

2 . Insert meat chicken , corn , carrots , peas , nutmeg , salt , and pepper and stir well . Cook until boiling , put celery , stir well , remove from heat .

3 . Serve warm sprinkled with grated cheese .