This is one of Recommended menus for babies or kids who dislike vegetables and it can make them healthier.
Breast milk is a balanced diet infants until the age of 6 months , the so-called exclusive breastfeeding . After 6 months of age should be given complementary foods ( solids ) in stages according to age .
Start with a complete nutrient feeding consisting of :
1 . Carbohydrates , namely rice , potatoes , havermouth , bread , pasta , etc. , as a source of energy .
2 . Source of protein , ie meat , fish , eggs , chicken , liver , etc. as well as vegetable proteins such as tofu , tempeh , and beans , to physical growth and brain .
3 . Sources regulators , namely vegetables and fruits . Vegetables should be introduced as a baby , because when the baby has a very strong memory to recall . However , the lack of coaching after that age , making children forget .
Once children get into the actual family meals , vegetables provision should be maintained although not in the form of rice mixtures team . Children need to implement a balanced nutritional diet , including the type of vegetables , in addition to rice , side dishes , and fruit , as well as given varied or diverse.
In addition as a complement to meet the balanced nutrition , vegetables are a source of vitamins and minerals to supplement their nutritional needs . Vegetables contain a variety of antioxidants to fight free radicals as a cause of disease .
Choose green leafy vegetables , red , orange like carrots , tomatoes , yellow squash , and others . Do not miss also serves the same fruit , containing vitamin C and antioxidants .
If children already do not like or refusing to eat vegetables , is still not too late to do something about . So , should continue to work and wait . The trick , make mixed vegetable dishes with protein sources such as meat , shrimp , chicken , and others .
For example :
- Put vegetables into foods such as meatballs liked children . Combine spinach or other vegetables are mashed with bacon made meatballs .
- Soups cream mixed with vegetables in a blender .
- Vegetables can also get into the fruit juice .
- Vegetable put into making cakes like cake , mud cakes , layer cakes , and others .
Parents whose children are hard to eat vegetables , do not despair quickly . Parents should set an example and keep following the instructions of healthy eating .
CARROT SOUP CREAM For 2 servings ( 1 serving = 214 calories ) Ingredients :
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 tbsp flour
- 200 ml broth
- 100 ml of milk
- 50 grams of boiled chicken meat sliced small
- 50 g of corn on the cob , dipipil
- 50 ounces small diced carrots , blanching
- 50 gr peas
- A bit of nutmeg powder
- A little salt
- A bit of pepper powder
- 1 tbsp chopped celery
- 10 gr grated cheese
How to make :
1 . melt butter , put the flour, stirring until blended . Pour broth little by little , stirring constantly until blended .
2 . Insert meat chicken , corn , carrots , peas , nutmeg , salt , and pepper and stir well . Cook until boiling , put celery , stir well , remove from heat .
3 . Serve warm sprinkled with grated cheese .