Let's Compare recent Teenagers who Exercise at School to their parents concerning to their fitness.
People who exercise at school could potentially have a healthy body in old age . Thus the results of a recent study in the United States .
The experts found that the 70 -year -old man who exercise during the school year to see the doctor less often than those who are more sedentary .
The researchers also found that men who exercise as teenagers also tend to be active in old age .
Researchers at Cornell University Food and Brand Lab , in the United States , and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich examined 712 World War II veterans are healthy when young .
In a study published in BMC Public Health , they found people who exercise in the 1930s and 1940s rarely visit the doctor than those who do not exercise .
The researchers said the results of this study also to encourage children to vigorous exercise . Young people who are inactive are more likely to be obese and suffer from mental health disorders as well as physical .
The study comes after it was revealed that the children of today have a different lifestyle with his parents as a teenager .
Another study at the University of South Australia found that children today have 15 % lower fitness than their parents at the same age . The main reason is the increase in body fat .