Thursday, December 5, 2013

Can vaginal discharge influence fertility?

Manila : This questions frequently submitted by women  Is that true that vaginal discharge can influence fertility? That's true and you can find the obvious answers as follows.

There are times when women remove fluid from the vagina ( vaginal discharge ) . And it turns out that fluid can help women to get pregnant .

Moreover, during the menstrual cycle , there will be times when active and cervical glands secrete a slimy clear liquid .

It is delivered Specialist Obstetrician - gynecologist at the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Pasay City , Philippines , Dr . Alice M. Sun - Cua .

" It's usually seen during ovulation and issued clear liquid , thin , and elastic mucus , as the body's way of increasing opportunities for pregnant women , " said Dr. Sun - Cua .

When sexual intercourse occurs , the sperm will swim easily if the mucus thin and elastic and journey into the uterine cavity is facilitated . Conversely , if the cervical mucus thick and makes clots , it prohibits the sperm to reach the target in the ovum .

Gmanetwork quoted as saying on Wednesday ( 20/11/2013 ) , the formation of a thick cervical mucus is one of the contraception that helps prevent pregnancy , in addition to producing what is called anovulatory cycles .
If you want to get pregnant , continued Dr. Sun - Cua , the best way is to see the calendar and the time your vaginal discharge . This fluid though sometimes excessive and unsafe , it does not itch and does not smell foul or fishy .