New Delhi: This is the good question for people who concern their health. What's the influence for you concerning to bite the food?
A new study shows, how much you chew, bite, which will affect the energy obtained from food that you eat.
"Particle size has bioaccessibility energy from food consumed," said Dr. Richard Mattes (CQ), professor of foods and nutrition at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, as quoted by Zee News, Friday (19 / / 7/2013)
The more a person chews, added Richard, the more food is stored in the body.
According to Richard, every individual has a habit of chewing on their own. "Although they are often difficult to change it, they should consider when making food choices for energy," he explained.
The study found that by chewing food more, particles smaller, more easily absorbed into the body system. Thus, the greater the food ingested, absorption process is more difficult.
So, that's why we are not supposed to eat in a hurry. Eating in a hurry allow debris to be swallowed and enter the esophagus bigger. Nutrients could not immediately absorbed by the body.
Let's have meal well? It's good for your health later.