Sunday, July 28, 2013

Best solution for nerve problems

This is good for you and this is Best solution for nerve problems or disorders.

Do not want to experience a nervous breakdown? The key is to meet the needs of vitamins B, B1, B6, B12 (B complex). Nutrition will be able to provide the benefits that can prevent neuropathy disorders.

"Vitamin B is a nerve food needed to protect and regenerate nerves. Nerves intake depends on an adequate supply of vitamin B," .

Vitamin B1 deficiency also causes painful neuropathy body movements. Facts found, 45 percent of parents do not take vitamin B1 suffer neuropathy.

Need for vitamin B6 is also required by the nervous system and the immune system to function properly. Also essential for red blood cell metabolism and formation hemogoblin.

"Vitamin B6 deficiency can cause inflammation of the skin, oral mucosa, tongue, anemia and neurological disorders such as depression, confusion and even seizures," .

While vitamin B12 is important for cell growth and reproduction. Also important for the formation of the myelin sheath or the sheath that surrounds nerves and nekleoprotein or protect.