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Monday, January 7, 2013
How to use Women's Feminine Hygiene Pads well?
How to use Women's Feminine Hygiene Pads well? It's questions submitted by girls or women. ALTHOUGH a mandatory thing owned, dressing is one thing that can cause itching, irritation in the area of femininity even if the selection and use is not appropriate. Before you feel uncomfortable symptoms in your sex organs, the following tips are a great way in choosing the pads.
1. Get used to change pads frequently. This is done to prevent excessive moisture in your sex organs. Sex organs are too damp, trigger the proliferation of germs and fungi that cause irritation and even white.
2. Choose pads that have a high absorption. Especially if you are menstruating in the early days, the blood that comes out will be felt more. It is important to select pads with maximum function in the absorption.
3. Besides easy to absorb, you should also make sure that the pads you choose has a soft surface. It is also important to reduce the friction that causes irritation around the intimate organs.
4. Do not choose a dressing that contains perfume. Many skins are sensitive to perfumes, and even to cause allergies.
5. Do not use pants too tight. It is important for air circulation to the skin. Make sure the skin is able to breathe when using the pads. Because the heat will trigger an uncomfortable feeling.