Friday, January 25, 2013

best advice to always get healthy

What is your best advice to always get healthy? it's about your promise to follow this suggestion.

Getting a dream job, becoming a better person again, a few advices that are often spoken person when passing year. Rarely mentioned among the resolutions for a better life and healthy.

As mentioned from several sources, here are some resolutions about health that can guide you to a better life.

1. Avoid factors that cause stress can be healthy annual resolution. Because the stress is not only ruin your mood. But will also affect health such as migraines and high blood pressure.

2. Try adventure sports. If you are lazy to exercise because exercise choices tend to be boring, you can try other types of adventure sports such as climbing a hill, wading rapids river, or other water sports.

3. Practice healthy lifestyle and clean. If previous years are less concerned with the cleanliness of your home and body, from now promised myself to live a cleaner could be a wise move.

4. Stop smoking. The new year is the time to get started on a healthy note. The move could help your body to reduce smoking a long healthy life.

5. Eating healthy foods. Healthy is not just doing a lot of physical activity, but also eat healthy foods. Increase the intake of vegetables and fruits can be healthy resolutions this year.

6. Reduce staying up. Suffering from insomnia could have originated from you often stay up. For that, try going to bed and waking up at the right time. Good quality sleep so that your life will be more qualified.

7. Do not put off the meal. Habits to delay meal times may seem trivial. However, these habits will only make you eat multiple servings later.

8. Do not skip breakfast. If previously you often skip breakfast because of lazy, begin to meet regularly at breakfast Anda.konsumsi healthy foods at breakfast such as oatmeal, milk, fruit, or vegetables.