Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Alternative drug's to beat the cancer cells besides chemotherapy

Is there any alternative drugs to  beat the cancer cells  besides chemotherapy? Here's that you should consider. If there are obstacles, usually does not come from DNA test, but from the expensive drug. Each day the patient should take one pill of gefitinib, and must be taken for life or until the properties no longer responded to by the body.

Have you ever heard of a drug called gefinitib? It is a drug for lung cancer patients who have mutated cancer cells.

To determine the presence or absence of mutations, testing was conducted in the laboratory to check for EGFR gene-epidermal growth factor receptor-receptor that plays a role in cell division.

As it relates to genes, the study of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, the genetic information storage) is required. DNA from cancer cells that have been duplicated, researchers can determine many things, including the presence or absence of mutations in cancer cells.

If there is a mutation, the efficacy of gefitinib to beat the cancer cells can reach 70 percent. Conversely, if the gene is not mutated, the drug is not efficacious.

Because of the specific drug targets, these treatments are often called targeted therapy. "This drug is like having eyes. He only attacks cancer cells".

Gefinitib drug action clearly contrary to chemotherapy, potentially damaging healthy cells.

Until now, according Utomo, Stem Cell and Cancer Institute has examined almost 300 tissue cell lung cancer and 700 colorectal cancer tissues were sent doctors from various hospitals. Laboratory tests usually take five days. "The test results make doctors better explain to the patient,".