Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Women's hormones need to be known

 Women should know more about hormones which it control their body. It's very important for their health condition when there are many changes of their hormone.

THE body of every person known to have at least 50 different types of hormones. But, you know what kind of hormones that control women?

 1. The hormone testosterone. Who says testosterone only owned by men. Although the levels a bit, this one hormone can increase energy, mental acuity, and increase libido. The hormone testosterone in women is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries. Testosterone levels in women will go down or go up every month, depending on the menstrual cycle.

2. The hormone estrogen. This hormone will culminate in puberty a woman. Namur Thus, this hormone will gradually decrease when age was no longer young. Especially when women are entering menopause. The hormone estrogen serves to regulate the menstrual cycle. This hormone also controls the hormonal fluctuations that normally causes premenstrual syndrome, such as abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, and level of emotional instability. Unknown, estrogen excess, will lead to health problems such as endometriosis or breast cancer. If there are few, this hormone will cause ovarian cancer.

3. Progesterone. This hormone helps to balance the levels of other hormones, namely estrogen. If estrogen is little or too much, progesterone works to balance the two. In other words, if if estrogen causes fluid retention, then progesterone helps the body remove excess fluid. Just like the hormone estrogen, progesterone is also produced in the ovaries. Betrsama with estrogen, progesterone serves to prepare the female body to regulate the menstrual cycle, facing conception, and pregnancy.