Saturday, December 29, 2012

antiestrogen drug can cure breast cancer

antiestrogen drug can cure breast cancer. That can be proven by one of researchers.

One researcher, Dr Christina Davies, head of research at Oxford University, said that a third of women who get breast cancer have estrogen-sensitive disease. This study suggests that taking tamoxifen for 10 years could save the lives of patients not only when they consume it.

ONE of the antiestrogen drug called Tamoxifen is said to be a blocker risk of dying from breast cancer.

Researchers from Oxford University, even said that the deaths of these risks can be reduced by up to 50 percent if taken for 10 years. The research team said the use of tamoxifen in patients with cancer only held for five years and are known to lower the risk of death by one-third.

Not without reason, the researchers looked at the use of drugs of 7,000 women with cancer who are sensitive to the hormone estrogen. Known, half the participants only used it for five years, while others consume up to 10 years.

From the results, note the difference in reduction in the risk of death in participants who took tamoxifen for 10 years. They have a reduced risk of death over a lot, which is up to 50 percent.