Wednesday, May 16, 2012

cancer treatment's managed to rely on high doses of vitamin C

The researchers found that high doses of vitamin C by itself can damage DNA and kill cancerous cells prominent, especially before irradiation. Herst said the brain cancer patients have a poor prognosis because these tumors are highly aggressive and resistant to radiation therapy. "We found that high doses of vitamin C make it easier to kill cells with radiation therapy," said Herst.

Herst added that, although there has long been debate about the use of high doses of vitamin C in cancer treatment. In a recent study of high doses of vitamin C is specifically kill various cancer cells in laboratory tests on animals. The research was published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine Reports.

A study at Otago said the brain cancer patients who take high doses of vitamin C is believed to fight cancer cell growth.

Patries Herst and colleagues investigated the incorporation of high doses of vitamin C by the method of radiation on brain cancer patients. From the research, found that both methods are effective to address the survival of cancer cells isolated from the brain tumor.