Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How difficult to stop smoking habit for several women's smokers?

LABEL already include clear warnings on cigarette packs, smoking-related disease data glambang also mentioned, but it seems increasingly rising smoking rates. Cigarette like a trap that is difficult for anyone out of it.
How difficult to stop smoking habit for several women's smokers?

WHO data 4000 identifying the chemical substances contained in cigarette smoke; 250 types of these dangerous and 50 other types can cause cancer. In adults, smoking can cause critical bronchitis, emphysema, store, coronary heart disease, and lung cancer.

Smoking also damages blood vessel walls. As is known, the heart and blood vessels is the number 1 cause of death in Indonesia. This fact is there any motivation to move smokers to quit?

 In fact, very difficult to get people to goodness, including quitting smoking. Smokers know that smoking is dangerous, but do not know how to stop. The difficulty of someone out of bondage "pleasure" a cigarette is described.

Cigarettes cause addiction and habituation. As soon as we inhale smoke, nicotine is absorbed in the blood, and transmitted to the brain. Receptors in the brain receive and respond by releasing dopamine, a hormone that causes pleasure. After his cigarette out, a sense of joy is also lost. He takes another cigarette to continue to feel pleasure, and so on until addicted.

desire to stop smoking should not simply intention is stored in the liver, but must be delivered to people in the immediate environment.

If you want to quit smoking, I recommend patients to proclaim themselves so that others know that he was trying. They can also be used as a reminder that once again, quit smoking need support.

Find motivation & support!

Smoking dependence is multidimensional. Psychologically, the dependence of smoke caused by the influence of environmental / social. Therefore in an attempt to quit, smokers also need "support" of others.

Now, there are five patients who participated in the program Stop Smoking Clinic. On average they had smoked a long time, there are up to 20 years, at least briefly 5 years because of his age too young. Actually, their motivation increases, but change the habits that have been done every day, is difficult. Many factors disrupt; within and from outside the self.

Motivation must be embedded if you want to really quit smoking. He describes the various motivations behind the participants Stop Smoking Clinic.

There was a fear after doctors said his lungs were damaged. There is also then only a social smoker, smoke if you meet her friends. There is also a motivation for children ..

Whatever the motivation, smokers should continue to be reminded. Because the environment is still full of smokers, so we reinforced the motivation is concerned. Furthermore, patients must also learn to not be affected even if, for example, the brunt of her social environment together.