Thursday, July 28, 2011

Modern lifestyles stimulate breast cancer for women in certain condition

If it is handled and treated early, it will give a better life expectancy. Mentioned, early detection in breast cancer include screening with ultrasound, mammography, breast MRI, biopsy, endoscopic breast surgery, image guided non-surgical ablation for cancers smaller size, necessary for the treatment of cancer early.

Asia-Pacific region to bear the burden of 70 percent of all liver cancer incidence (liver) of the world, due to chronic viral hepatitis and Hepatitis B (chronic inflammation of the liver tissue because it is caused by a virus). "But overall, only 5-15 percent of patients diagnosed with liver cancer can undergo surgical removal of cancer, because of liver function is decreased or the presence of liver cirrhosis,"

In liver cancer patients who can not undergo surgical removal of cancer, ablation techniques can be performed locally (with Percutaneus Ethanol Injection [PEI], microwave coagulation therapy [MCT], and Radiofrekuency Ablation [RFA]). What is meant by Microwave coagulation therapy is heated to a temperature of 600 tumor cells so that tumor cells are dead.

"TACE (Trans Arterial Chemo embolization) was used as an adjunctive therapy in patients with liver cancer that is minimally invasive. The goal of this therapy is shrink the tumor cells, improving the quality of life by administering chemotherapy and close the blood vessels that feed tumor cells, ".

Prevention of liver cancer in a person, namely the routine hepatitis B immunization, AFP examination, abdominal ultrasound, early diagnosis and early treatment of hepatitis B. With the early diagnosis and early treatment of hepatitis B, will prolong survival and allow early detection of liver cancer. Liver cancer is detected early will have a higher cure rate.

Colorectal cancer (colon) due to, among other things: heredity (genetics), a previous history of patients suffering from benign tumors in the colon, patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (Inflamantory Bowel Disease), in addition to diet and exposure to certain substances facilitate the incidence of cancer in a person.

The new approach to breast cancer surgery including removal of the breast to retain the nipple. Breast conservation is possible with the help of the Sentinel lymph node examination, using a SPECT gamma camera that can accurately see the spread of cancer cells in lymph nodes affected by it.

The earlier the cancer tissue is found, these conditions provide better outcomes for patients, as well as lower mortality rates in patients. The methods used for early detection of colon cancer, outside biopsy, among others: endoscopy, chromoskopi, autofluorescent endoscopy, narrow band imaging, and endomicroscopy. Therapy of colon cancer is open surgery, laparoscopic surgery (surgery using an optical fiber that is inserted into the patient's body. This operation allows the incision in the skin that fewer and level of care in hospital is shorter), chemotherapy, and targeted therapy.

Modern lifestyles stimulate breast cancer for women in certain condition

The success of treatment and course of cancer therapy is sustained olehalat latest health. IX linac tool for radiotherapy of cancer patient with Tehnology IMRT, which enables the precise targeting of radiation on cancer cells, supported by PET / CT as a cutting-edge technology in detecting cancer. It plays a major role in determining the initial staging of cancer diseases as well as evaluation of therapeutic efficacy (both of Chemo, radiation and surgery). Another thing, PET / CT can also to assess the recurrence / metastasis (spread) of cancer cells in the body.