Thursday, January 23, 2014

Main Bacteria related to good digestion

This is main Bacteria to have important and influential to good digestion.

Today, scientists have identified a protein on the surface of white blood cells that play an important role in controlling these bacteria .

It looks slovenly and unhealthy , but in fact digestion in mammals , including human beings kind of full of bacteria . These are to help digest food , provide nutrients and keep the bad bacteria are eliminated . Because of this , they are very noble task .

Everyone has the type and proportion of bacteria are different from each other , almost like a fingerprint . Recent research suggests that this is precisely the role of microflora is an important key to understanding the problems of obesity and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract .

Take, for example TLR2 receptors . It is a protein in white blood cells ( the body protector against germs either nasty bacteria and viruses ) and live along the large intestine . They are tasked to identify the microbes that live in the gut and sends information about the cells dictates whether the bacteria were once ignored or attacked .

Recent research shows that while TLR2 is not working properly , causing the person to be resistant to obesity , but also suffer from inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract rentah including ulcerative colitis ( inflammation of the intestine ) .

Richard Kellermayer from Baylor College of Medicine believes that TLR2 is the mediator of this problem by means of ' turning on ' or ' turn off ' certain genes in response to the presence of these bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract .

However TLR2 can also change the presence of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract significantly. " This extraordinary ability is an important clue in preventing and optimize treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and metabolic , " said Kellermayer .

Kellermayer and team compared mice that had TLR2 or not . They see the changes in bacteria in terms of both the types and proportions of the gastrointestinal tract when there is a change in expression of genes that when inflammation lasts .

Without TLR2 , gut microbes mice that causes them easily attacked slim though cause colitis . This means that these genes play an important role in the problem of obesity and gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases .

Understanding how genes and proteins interact with bacteria led to a better idea for scientists to find ways to maintain a healthy digestive tract , they said.

These scientists also realized that finding a way to optimize the digestive microflora and the activity of the immune system ( white blood cells ) to overcome obesity without causing gastrointestinal disorders is overcoming the entrance of metabolic and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract .