Do you think there are free tampons and pads for woman who are still menstruating? are there risk to come up?
free pads or tampons used when a woman is menstruating, it has a variety of risks that you do not know. In addition to environmental factors, there are also health factors.
As reported by Care2, Friday (05/24/2013) here are 5 things you need to know about pads and tampons:
1. Tampon container breeding bacteria
Special tampons, according to researchers have materials that can breed bacteria. This is known as toxic shock syndrome (a disease caused by bacteria). Tampon synthetic materials are very susceptible to the bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus.
2. Dioxin residues
Most pads and tampons contain dioxin residue from cotton used bleaching. Dioxins are carcinogens (cause cancer) that can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream without filtering when in contact with skin.
If dioxin settles continuously in the human body, the use of pads or tampons can cause cancer risk due to act as hormone disruptors.
3. Disturb nerve
Dioxins also absorb magnesium from the body that can lead to mineral deficiencies. Magnesium is necessary for the movement of nerve and conductivity (the ability of a material to conduct electricity) cells in the brain, muscle movement, to release anxiety and stress, and hundreds of other important biological functions.
4. Pesticide
Cotton is used to make napkins and tampons the most sprayed with organophosphate pesticides.
U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) publishes the journal Nature Genetics that connect neurological disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson's disease with exposure to organophosphates (insecticides least toxic).
The study found that pesticides inhibit the activity of genes that control body movement. Chemicals such as dioxin is absorbed through the skin directly into the bloodstream. Pesticides are also known hormone disruptors, even in a little spray.
5. One pad with four plastic bags
According to one researcher pads and tampons in the U.S. Joseph Mercola, a bandage is equivalent to four plastic bags.
Of course this is dangerous to health and the environment. Chemicals found in plastics are also associated with endocrine disorders, heart disease, and cancer.