How to solve whitish? we know it's not comfortable when whitish come.No woman wants to suffer from vaginal discharge. In addition to unhealthy, this disorder develop discomfort.
a number of these tips are worth a try.
1. During menstruation, change pads as often as possible.
2. Regular bathing with soap that suits your skin type. Clean with intensive groin area and proceed to wash the genital area from front to back.
3. Avoid the use of vaginal douche (liquid cleaner) because it can change the acidity (pH) of the vagina. Clean the vagina with a cleanser that does not disrupt the stability of the pH in the vagina. Choose cleaners made from milk because it can maintain pH balance, normal flora growth, and suppress the growth of bad bacteria.
4. Wear cotton underwear and change underwear every day.
5. Use a dry underwear. If wet or damp panties, immediately replace it with a clean and unused.
6. Do not wear tight jeans because it will tighten the pores. It is better to wear a skirt or a non-jeans pants that facilitate air circulation around the vagina.
7. Use a panty liner while traveling and release when I got home.
8. Do not wear anything that can irritate the vagina, such as perfumed soaps, perfumes, deodorants, spray, or powder fragrances.