Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ideal prevention of cervical cancer for women

 Ideal prevention of cervical cancer for women

The ideal prevention of cervical cancer are:


 Vaccination (antigen) induces antibody formation

 Vaccination can prevent the development ofcancer-causing HPV infection to invasive cervicalcancer


 Screening can detect abnormal cells,pre-cancerous lesions and cervical cancerhowever can not prevent HPV infection

 Pap's Smear or IVA

Vaccination followed by screening provides the best protection to prevent cervical cancer

What is the Impact of Delaying Vaccinations?

Any woman at risk for HPV infection causescervical cancer in her lifetime, regardless of ageand how his lifestyle. Delaying vaccination is to put yourself at risk of infection with HPV 16 and 18 anddelay the opportunities that can be given protectionby the vaccine.